Various Fish For Sale Devon Cornwall Area


New Member
Jan 17, 2010
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right we have the following

2 large clown loaches
6 rainbow fish
4 small various plecos
1 x large spotted pleco
1 medium bristle nose pleco
1 small loach un known type
1 medium fish un known type

all must go asap as we got them as a relative passed away and we had a tropical tank so now over stocked so would like to sell as one lot but will split if needs must.
we are in Cornwall but 5 Min's on ferry to Devon (torpoint Pl)
can delivery locally so make us a offer these fish are in great health but due to our tank no room for them

offers please to [email protected]
sold some what is left is:

5 rainbows
5 small plecos all different
1 medum bristle nose pleco
1 un known fish about 3"

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