Various Cool Platys (tiger One As Well)

cool video, nice tank. Is the red and white one a platy or a female koi swordtail? If it is a swordtail have you had them crossbreed yet?

Emma :)
cool video, nice tank. Is the red and white one a platy or a female koi swordtail? If it is a swordtail have you had them crossbreed yet?

Emma :)

HI, :)

The red and white is a koi swordtail, i had a lot of these but gave them away and sold some, they have bred but i always kept them away from other swords so they kept that unique look.

After getting rid of all the others, i have kept one and if you noticed there is a black swordtail in the tank, and thats what i am breeding it with, just to see what the fry look like :)
Try dropping some valium in your water-that'll slow the buggers down and then they wont be so much of a blur!!!!!!!! :lol: Love the dark one with the red ish nose and light underside -havent seen owt like that for a while round here
if you have male swordtails in there they will breed with the female platies, the same goes for male platies with female swordtails. The resulting offspring have a weird looking tail, my lfs has them in quite a lot. Platies and swortails crossbreed as easy as guppies and endlers.

Emma :)

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