Varied Lighting Queries


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Two queries for those in the teccy know-how about lights-

1. The light on my 2ft isn't working. As in, nothing happens when I switch it on. How does one tell what needs sorting- i.e, is it the bulb or the starter? It's not flickering or anything, but I haven't got the cash to be fiddling about with things that don't need changing.

2. My 4ft currently has no lighting. I *would* install a standard light fitting gubbins, but it's a fairly low (only about 4/5" above the condensation cover) and home made, and I'm fairly concerned about the heat output from a normal bulb. I don't need anything majorly spectacular as the tank contains fish that eat even Salvinia, so just something bright enough to see by. Any ideas? I was thinking LEDs of some kind, but I'm not sure what's on the market ATM (I know they're the latest thing, but they seem to all be high powered plant friendly jobbies with an equally high pricetag) and haven't a clue about doing it myself.
the switch could be stuffed on the light unit. That would stop power getting through and the starter kicking over.
When the starter dies either nothing happens, or the starter will glow a little bit but not kick the globe over.
When the globe is dead it will usually be black at the ends and either glow a little bit nor flicker on and off.
Try replacing the starter, then globe, then switch. You can use any sort of globe to test it with as long as its the same length as the original. Try a standard fluoro globe from the local hardware, or a daylight globe if they sell them.
Thanks. How would one go about fixing/replacing a switch though? It's a pretty ancient model (one with the light build into the hood as well), so not like there are replacements available.
most electronic stores sell switches of various sizes. You turn the light unit off and unplug it. Undo the old switch and take it to the electronic store and find a replacement that is similar.
Any sort of switch can be used
Lamp (white) under £2, starter (universal) £0.50 .... everyone should keep these in for emergencies !

If it is a switch, I would bypass it and fit a timer plug.

If you still cant suss it... get a cheap flourescent fitting from an electrical store, under £10 including lamp :good: (of course you will need a more suitable lamp for aquaria, but you will know its working before spending on expensive tubes)
Bit of an updatey query-y post...

I've had a bit of a look, it does appear to be the bulb. Which is both good and bad.

Anyway, I'm in a bit of a quandry. Being only a standard rubbish fitting, I've only got 15W over a 2ft (15 gallon ish) tank, which from past experience can't grow anything. While (heaven forbid!) I'm not entering into the teccy plant geek circle, it would be nice for a teeny bit more light so I can bung in some more greenery. The hood as it stands can't fit anything else in. I don't mind buying another hood since mine is skank, however I'm concerned I'd still be faced with only being able to fit in rubbish lights. The hood I'm looking at is the Clearseal Consort*, which says it has space for a ballast, but the killer question being, what should I buy to get maximum wattage in minimum space for minimum cash (well, you know what I mean, some of the prices for lighting are murder).

* However. The tank itself is 24x12x12, fairly standard. Another potential option is to locate a replacement hood for an 'all-in-one' tank of the same size, which will already have lighting built in. Opinions?
in my opinion building your own hood is best, ive done it on my 60 litre and ive fitted a 55watt T5 compact lamps (but its got some plants in there)with CO2 and ferts etc
Mhm... Let's put it this way- I made the 'air-powered filter so easy even a monkey could do it' thing, and ended up stabbing myself in the hand with a screwdriver... Gives some indication of my skills...
I've only got 15W over a 2ft (15 gallon ish) tank, which from past experience can't grow anything. While (heaven forbid!) I'm not entering into the teccy plant geek circle, it would be nice for a teeny bit more light so I can bung in some more greenery.

My opinion would be that it was something other than light that meant you couldn't grow anything in past experiences!!! 1WPG of T8 is fine and used by many!!! The pic in the left of my signature was 0.6WPG of T8!!!!

Well, whatever the cause, I think I've now decided that in the interests of not spending all my money, the easiest option is just to give the whole thing a big spruce up and hope that that will sort any of the gremlins in the system. After that, we'll see as to whether it works again.

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