Vampire With Bn?


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2011
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Hi people, just wondering would I be able to have a BN plec with my Vampire? The Vampire doesn't get on the glass much to clean it up, when I had one before it was always on the glass cleaning up. What do you think? Thanks

Or any other plec that will help clean up the glass. thanks
I have a vampire plec and hes ace and also had a couple of bristlenose with him and they never even came into any noticeable contact
Ok thanks for that, I think I'll give it ago. Do you recommend having two of them?
ive never kept two, mines now in a tank with a L128 but used to share a larger tank with a l128 L114 and a royal plus the the bristlenoses. Bristlenoses keep themselves to themselves however the vampire used to get territorial with the others

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