Value of Clout?

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Fish Crazy
May 3, 2003
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My Oscar tank is still having trouble. Both are scraping their bodies all over the tank. I suspect parasites. Just today I was able to see these tiny little worms who flop around constantly in the water, really a fast wiggling type of motion. I also can see, and I've seen this before, but not the worms, slime type of bubbley like substance hanging from some of the decor. I've treated my tank in the past with Clout for this type of thing, and had it clearup. This tank has had issues since before Christmas, I've treated it with Clout twice, and it seems to keep having problems. If someone could give some counsel, my fish and I would be feeling a lot better. Thanks.
Clout is an internal parasite med, don't no much about it as it's a US med, could the flicking be caused by irratation to the med, do you think the worms are from inside the fish.
Redbled said:
I was able to see these tiny little worms who flop around constantly in the water, really a fast wiggling type of motion...slime type of bubbley like substance hanging from some of the decor.... it seems to keep having problems.

you know what to do... :devil:
IMO, Clout is the best parasite med. It works fast, and I've never had a fish have a reaction to it. Plus, because it's in tablets, it's not as messy as the liquid meds.

I haven't used the Clout for likely a month now, so I don't think that is causing the irritation.

From the articles you sent, this is the most like the fish are acting, but I'm not sure if that's it.

This is a dangerous parasite that effects fish. The symptoms are excessive rubbing of skin, laboured 'breathing', loss of appetite, lethargy, clouded skin and fish spending too much time lying dormant on the aquarium floor. Chilodonella is a dangerous parasite because it has a wide temperature range that it can live in, and also because symptoms don't show up until late in the disease when it may be to late to save the fish.
Parasite medications easily treat Chilodonella - just remember to remove any activated carbon from filter.

The picture of this worm looks closest likely to the ones in the tank. The just seem to float in the water twitching back and forth, I can't see any of the little ickies protruding from the fish, but I may just be missing them.

Camallanus species ( Figure 12 ) infect the gastrointestinal tract of cichlids, live-bearers (including guppies and swordtails), and other species of freshwater fish. Usually, the first evidence of infection is a red, worm-like animal protruding from the anus of a fish.

Is Nospherith's recommendation about Nuking the best bet, sure hate to do that if there are other ways?

Figured I should describe the worms in better detail. They are very thin and small, almost a super light brown to white color. The movement they make in the water resembles perhaps a U and then the two ends go the other way and appears to be an upside down U, though both are more likely appearing as half circles than U's. Hope that makes some sense.
I don't no what worm it is, if you need to treat the tank, or if they are internal worms,
Wouldn't I need to treat the tank either way? Guess it would determine the treatment though.
Yes you would treat the tank, but one medicine is for internal parasites, the other one would kill the worms in the tank, but not the internal worms.
I see now, thanks much. I'm not sure what to do but I'll keep searching.
Maybe try and net a worm, put it in a bag of tank water and take it to the lfs, to see if they no what it is.
I used Clout for 4 days and all the worms appear to be gone that were visible. Here's to hoping they'll recover.

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