Vallis Not Growing


Fish Addict
Aug 28, 2009
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i have 2 different species of vallis in my 130 gallon planted, and all my plants seem to be doing great and growing lots, except my vallis

i have hard water at a pH of 7.6
my PH is around about that i guess.

And How deeps your grave/sand.

i have vallis growing and it grows from under the gravel

it also takes time i guess
i have 2-28 watt Colormax Full-spectrum T5
and 2-28 watt 6700k Plant Lamp T5

so total 112 watts

the tank is 24 inches tall, but the substrate is 1.5 inches to 2.5 inches deep, and the vallis is at the lowest part, so th depth from light to bottom is about 23 inches.
maybe thats the problem lol, they stopped growing after he came..

but seriously the vallis have not died off at all, ever, they just stay the very same size dont do anything. i completed a diy co2 though, and i just need to make a ladder for it and the plants should (hopefuly) take off, including the vallis
pH isnt important.
Known causes for dieing Vallis are Seachem Excel/Easylife Easycarbo and also very soft water without appropriate nutrients dosing.
Dose Tropica Plant Nutrition+ at 1ml per 20litres daily. It contains all the macro and micro nutrients plants need.
Alternatively place some Tropica capsules under the suffering plants and judge from there.
O ok, must be my light levels in my tank......need to change a few bulbs.

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