Vallis, Amazon Swords And Elodea


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
I can't get these to grow . . .

I can get crypts and anubias to do really well, and java fern seems to do well (although I only added it a couple of weeks ago) but for some reason, those don't.

The vallis and elodea in my coldwater tank seems to be doing really well. I don't add any ferts or anything and the light is awful, but they do well. In my tropical tanks they just go brown.

I am doing a major overhaul so I think in the future, if I want to keep them, I'll be OK but I'm just wondering why they are not doing well at the moment as they are supposed to be "easy" plants.

I have 1.5 WPG and fert tabs in the substrate. There is excellent water circulation in the tank.
You might be lacking in dosing macro ferts.

(Potassium nitrate and Potassium phosphate)

If that was the case, why would supposedly 'harder' species be doing well?
Not sure, unless different plants require different nutrients?

hate vallis(just because it never grows for me)
it goes brown looses it height then sends out little runners but never get taller than 4"...

but vallis does look nice when it actually grows right

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