Valentines Betta


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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:wub: :wub: For Valentines Day :wub: :wub:

I bought the wife her own Beautiful Deep Crimson Veil Tail Betta.

I Thought of it at luch time so phone the LFS in the city Centre. And asked if he had any Red Bettas.

Recognised me and said he would keep 1 for me.

So I think about what to keep him in, B4 I get to the LFS, I pop into the 99p Store and they have got 3.5ltr Containers for stuff. Had a Good look at it and decided to get it. Also picked up an Glue gun as well for 99p to make some ornaments.

so @ LFS get red gravel and red plants and red betta.

Get home clean container, condition water using aquasafe, clean plants, climitize Betta and then show him off. HE is happily exploring his new much much larger home and as it is a container has a lid, so drilled lots of holes for air.
Will dig out the old filter used for fish bowls.

So If anyone wants a nice betta home for under a £1 go to the 99p store as they look good and are very strong homes for the betta.
well, i'm sure your wife appreciated the Betta- and what's more you'll be taking care of her l'il heart-colored baby! riiiight? :p

i've seen good critter keeper-type things at the dollar store, 3/4 of a gallon for a dollar, made for bugs. great containers! if only they sold silk plants and gravel too...
I bought Valentino for valentines day as well. He is a crowntail with a pink body and rose/lavender fins.
BettaBoyz said:
well, i'm sure your wife appreciated the Betta- and what's more you'll be taking care of her l'il heart-colored baby! riiiight?  :p
:*) Damn, Well it was a good excuse to get a new betta.

Now if only i can talk my mum and missus into letting me fill the other 3 empty tanks i have with bettas, them i am very very very very happy.

P.S I have called him Bubba Red, as he has a protruding lower jaw. :wub:

I Showed him 1 of the females to cheer him up last night and he went nuts. He is prowling his new home happily.

I Promise to post pix once i get my camera back.

PS Gourami and female Bettas Work in my Tank. :kana:
did not want to make another thread just to show 1 of my bettas.

But found a pic of my pastel female's closest lookalike
Last night before I go to Bed,
Bubba is lying on his side gasping very hard and fast.

Think fast

Go to frige and take the tomatoes out of their plastic carry case. Thoroughly clean with hot water and aqua salt solution.

Take Bubba out of the 3.5 ltr and put into the tomato carry case.

What could have happened, he was fine when i came home from work.

Got up this morning and he has perked up loads, Flaring at the Bleu and my Tiny Pastel Female is gaurding him and chasing away the other females.
There is a lot that could have happened, unfortunately. Since he got better after you moved him, it sounds to me like his previous tank must have been contaminated somehow. Is it possible it had a chemical of any kind in it? Even spraying Windex or something like that near the tank may have caused his reaction. Anyways, I'd say either clean out his old tank VERY well and carefully, or buy him a new one. He can't be a tomato forever. :p Good luck!
i will keep him in the box as it has loads ofholes and hte water circulates in it well. he is happy, he has a new feind aswell, the Pastel + The African Butterfly who swims next to him.

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