Valentine Puffer

oscars r ace

Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2009
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think i spelt that right. i'd love one of these, was just wondering what they are like with other fish? i have 2 percula clowns and a royal gramma aswell as a cleaner shrimp, i only have an acrapora coral atm but want more corals in the tank over time, what are they like with shrimps and corals, would they get on ok or would he try and eat them?

Thanks for any help

Canthigaster spp. are interesting and semi-hardy fish, but they are "nippy" sometimes (depends how smart/fast their tankmates are). They will also view most invertebrates as *potential* meals, including corals and shrimps. Some specimens work just fine with both, but then some specimens most certainly do not! You might add some cheap corals, like mushrooms, to see how things went. If they were left alone, then you could add some more. But it's worth remembering that anything a pufferfish can eat, it may well try to eat!

They're best in community or FOWLR systems, alongside fast, sturdy tankmates like damsels and wrasses. Clowns can, do get nipped, so approach that combination with caution. Grammas are a possibility, being fast and reclusive, but their small size puts them at a disadvantage, especially in tanks without lots of secure hiding places. At the extreme, it's slow or long-finned things that get nipped, like lionfish.

Cheers, Neale
i have had exactly what u have with puffer percula clowns royal grama and an acro i also had softies and lps were fine and ok with the cleaner exept he kept my big tube worm hiding just be sure to get a well feeding specimen, i learnt through my mistakes :(

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