

I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
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near Hockley, Essex UK
I was interested to read that some breeders are not vaccinating their kittens/puppies, Believing that they do more harm than good = what are peoples views on this?
Personally i think its very important to vaccinate your animals. who wants to see an animal dying from parvo? totally unecessary when theres the means to stop it.

ive also heard that dogs after 7 dont need vaccinated each year as they have built up an immunity to any diseases going round. dont know how true that is as at the time vets were still discussing it. anyway i get boosters for my dog each year just as a precaution.
This has been a topic of conversation for years in the dog world.Its a known fact that the UK over vacinate their Dogs.

I do all of mine every year except Cassie my 14 year old Dalmatian.I nearly lost her when she had her first jab at 8 weeks old and again with her second jab she collapsed due to an allergic reaction to the Jab. then at 1 yr old when she went for her booster the same thing Happened and this time she ended up on a drip at the vets for almost a week.
After long discussions with the vet it was decided that she was under less threat by not being vaccinated than having the boosters and at 14 years old it has done her no harm at all
It is very important to vaccinate young animals. It you vaccinate too early the vaccines are useless because the maternal antibodies that the puppies receive in the colostrum render the vaccine useless. If you vaccinate too late you are risking exposing the animal to disease after the maternal antibodies are no longer protecting the puppy. It is important to consult your veterinarian about appropriate timing of vaccinations in your location. In many areas the law demands that you have you animal vaccinated for rabies. If your animal bites someone it may be euthanized if you are not up-to-date with your rabies vaccine. Some vaccines are considered non-core, like leptospirosis and giardia and can be given to animal depending on their individual risk factors. For example, a veterinarian may recommend that a farm dog that drinks out of ponds be vaccinated for lepto but may not recommend this for a city dog that is only walked on leash around the block.

Many vaccines are beginning to be labelled for 3 year usage so you can check with your veterinarian if a 3 year schedule is appropriate for your pet.

In specific instances, like the vaccine reaction described above, it is riskier to the animal's life to vaccinate than it would be to contract the disease and the vet may recommend to avoid vaccinations entirely.

I am a bit undecided on this. At the moment I don't really have much of a choice. When we go on our summer hols, the cats and dog go to kennels/cattery and they insist on up to date vaccinations. If they don't have them, they won't take them. The only one I am not forced to give the dog is the Kennel Cough (which I understand is a nasel spray). I have not had Sadie covered with the Kennel Cough one yet although I know how nasty this can be. I had a Samoyed years ago who caught this in kennels and he was very ill.
When I took my dogs (aged 10) for their booster shots I was told that they did not need them anymore as they had had boosters every year. I had them done as the kennels (found a really good one) would not accept any dog without a vaccination certificate. When my dogs were young they had the spray up the nose for Kennel Cough. My one dog sneezed it straight out! The vet didn't say anything so I assumed it would still work. They never had any preventable illnesses but all three of my dogs died from cancer (when they were fairly old). :(
Yes most definatly vaccinate, I can remember when I was 18 I for my first pup it was a pedigre german shepard, never new anything about vaccinations needless to say two month later she caught parvo because she was not vaccinated the vets were unable to save her.

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