Vacationing And Bettas


New Member
Feb 4, 2006
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My family is going on a trip for 8 days.... what is the best way to care for fish while you are gone? I was thinking about getting an Auto feeder for my tanks... i do have someone coming to care for my rabbits... should i just have him do the fish too? What is the best way to do this?
My advice would be to have the rabbit person feed the fish, too. I can't speak for all bettas, but I think mine would really like to have the company, and have a real person feed him, even if it would be only like 30 seconds a day.
Yes, the person coming in should definitely be asked to feed the betta, if possible. Or, if the betta is in a bowl or small container, perhaps a neighbor would be willing to take the betta in for the time you are away? Of the two, the former idea, IMO, would be the best. :p
If you can trust them not to overfeed then by all means get the person who is feeding the rabbit do it. You could get those pill dispensers and put the correct amount of food in for each day. I personally left mine for a week without food and they were fine. I had fry at the time but just used an auto feeder on them which I tested over the course of a week first and they too were fine :D
As Ive learned from first hand experience, never trust non-fish keeping people to feed your fish! 99 out of a 100 times they will overfeed. In my opinion your better off putting the fish food in a zip-lock bag and just have the fish baby sitter open the bag up each day and dump the food in.
thanks guys for the opinions! I was planning on him checking the fish...making sure everyone is ok and happy...but i'll just have him feed them... BTW who ever had the idea about pill box... that is INGENIOUS!

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