

New Member
Oct 20, 2004
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My husband and I have a ten gallon tank. We have a albino frog, 5 ghost shrip, 2 rosy reds, a snail, and a pleco. We are going a way for two weeks and don't know how long you can go without feeding your fish. We normally feed them three times a day, and the frog twice a day. How often should we ask someone to come over if they cannot make it every day?
Once every three days should be ok...
The shrimp will do fine with few feedings, but the frog and fish are what I am worried about. Just make little packets of food and have your friend come over and feed them to the little guys. They should be fine if it is only for two weeks.
I remember seeing at the LFS a tablet you can put in your tank that will feed your fish for 2 weeks or something like that. Does that work?

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