V2 400 Protein Skimmer Installation


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales UK
I am thinking of getting the V2 SKIM 400 PROTEIN SKIMMER and using it as a HOB. I want to install the skimmer at the same height as if it was hanging on the back BUT I want to put it on the other side of a 4" wall and drill some large holes to feed the water to and from the skimmer.

Does anyone know if this will be possible (by extending the input and output pipes of the skimmer by a few inches?)

Cheers guys!!! :good:
Dunno, my gut instinct says yes, but I've no personal experience with them
Thats what I was thinking. Looking at the spec on them it seems ok.

As the pump needs to go inside the aquarium could this be hidden behind some LR?
I don't see why it wouldn't work going through a piece of wood.. Bear in mind the longer the tube going into the skimmer is, the less effective it'll be.

As the pump needs to go inside the aquarium could this be hidden behind some LR?

Yup.. That's how my V2 600 pump started out it's life and I've seen a few pics of other people doing it, too.
I think I will go for the V2 then in that case.

@ idlefingers

How big is pump? (approx.)
i have a v2 600 skimmer, i lenghtened the plastic pipe by about 5 inches. still works fine and the setting it nearly turned right down. they have loads of adjustement on the bubble part. good skimmers. :good:
sounds good enough for me!! I guess any skimmer I decide to buy will need SOME mods for it to suit my needs.

V2 400 it's gonna be!

if i was you though id make sure you silicone the joins together to seal them. I had a nasty accident with the input falling off
if i was you though id make sure you silicone the joins together to seal them. I had a nasty accident with the input falling off

Oh, nasty! Don't want that happening! Thats what I'm always afraid of with my external canister :crazy:
I've just had another thought. Would it be possible to use an external pump like a Aquarium Systems New Jet and run a tube to the tank with a pipe and mesh on the end (like for an external filter) instead of placing the pump in the tank?

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