V.bad Delivery Of Corals


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2003
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Hi guys,

I recently placed an order for my first batch of corals. Unfortunatly the corals wernt packaged properly and they all arrived in a v.bad condition. (apparently one bag leaked and caused the heat bag to die out... I dont really believe it but thats the best explanation the sender could come up with).
The supplier has promissed to send a new batch out to me for next week..

Do you think any of these corals have a chance of making it or are they aready dead?
If I touch them, they do seem to leach some white sustance out. If you think some of them are stalvigable then can you please advise me on what the best course of care would be for them? e.g. more light, high flow, low flow etc.

This is what the leather coral looked like yesterday:

And today:

Its completely wilted down.. however even thru this today I noticed that some polops have come out of coral whereas yesterday there was nothing and it was completely smooth...

Anyways here are the rest of them:






If there is fish in your tank or any other living things besides the corals i would be careful as if they die, it could cuase havoc in your tank. Leather corals are hardy so there is a chance it could make it, also the coral with polyps coming out is a good sign.
Having lost corals to shipping stress myself to the tune of £150 I would say you are very lucky they are prepared to reship for you.
Lookking at the pictures I wouldnt worry about them they look OK. They would have been dropping to bits by now and woudnt have even started to open. Fingers crossed they will all be OK.
The droopy finger leather would worry me, the hammer/frogspawn/bubble/elegance or whatever that hard coral is is toast :(, and this one


be it alveopora, astreopora, cyphastrea, pavona, or whatever it is, is also probably too far gone :(

Also, is that a gorgonian? Please tell me it's a photosynthetic species...
I dont suppose any of them look like they will make it?
If you have some poylp extention and they are not rotting or dropping to bits they well make it. Ive had a brain coral come through the post that looked totally dead but within 6 weeks it was a healthy coral and growing well. Same with the softies if they are extending in any way and not rotting they should be OK. Ive had them arrive looking very soggy but with time they have made a good recovery. Just watch and see. if they start to drop to bits remove straight away, and with the hard corals if there is not regrowth from the skeleton after a few weeks then you can say they are pretty much a lost cause. But having seen how mine have recovered I would right them off just yet.
The montipora, favites and mushroom leather should make it :D
I had to remove the gorgonia, finger leather and Hammer coral last night. Turned my water to crap.
Sooo difficult to remove the corals, they just degraded in my hands when I tried to grasp them.
Came home from work to find the entire room sticking to hell.. shame I couldnt find my test kit but I'm guessing my ammonia was over the roof. Found my malu anemone going crazy (luckly apart from my inverts I have no fish currently in my system).

Currently running about 3 bags of activate carbon and skimmer with ozone should hopefully clear most of it out.

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