Uv Sterilizer


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2007
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Is it worth buying a UV sterilizer for my discus tank? It's a Sea Life 24w unit rated for 400g and is going on a 75g via a fluval 304. The price is cheap enough - just wondering if they are any good. Thanks
Is it worth buying a UV sterilizer for my discus tank? It's a Sea Life 24w unit rated for 400g and is going on a 75g via a fluval 304. The price is cheap enough - just wondering if they are any good. Thanks

if you are using Ro water, and are not adding fish atm. i cant see any reason, except algae control. but if you use tap water and are adding new fish, it may well be a precaution worth taking.
I do use tap water - and am expecting some fish next weekend... Never had an algae problem with this tank - bad had a brutal case with another one a few months ago. I thought a UV sterilizer could be used to treat ich and stuff like that to? (hopefully i don't get it - but just in case?) Tks
Uv sterilisation helps keep the bacterial count down - so therefore reduces chances of sickness etc

I'm not sure about its affect on paracites. If I was keeping delicate fish I would consider it from a germ killing point of view.

As for algae control, I'm sure it only affects green water type algae. The rest it doesnt affect.

I've been looking at adding this to my community tank now tat I have added 2 dwarf cichlids. Just to keep the water better as they are sensitive. I also know of other discus keepers who use UV sterilisers in their discus set ups for the sterilisation benefits.

I've looked around and you can get a small JBL one for about £30. (the 5watt version)
In most cases where good fishkeeping practices are observed, a UV is completely superfluous.

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