Uv Lamp Question


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I just bought an internal UV filter for my tropical tank to assist with an algae problem I have with the tank.

Is it necessary to keep the UV on 24 hrs a day or will it work just as good if it were on for say 12 hours a day? I want to get the best efficiency from the unit and prolong the life of the bulb.

Thanks :)
UV units are best run continuously until the problem is solved. Then you can reduce the operating times. Make sure the water is filtered before it goes through the unit. This means there is less rubbish going through the unit and the UV light will be able to work more effectively.

You can also try doing daily partial water changes to help reduce most algae problems.
I've had my UV running 24/7 since I got it about a month ago. The effect on the water was unbelievable! It really does sparkle now. Furthermore growth of algae on the glass seems to have decreased. I'm guessing this is due to less (no?) algae floating about in the tank. I only seem to need to use my algae magnet every second water change. My oto is fine and so I assume he is getting enough - looks well enough filled out when I seem it, which is evry 2/3 days! When I've added algae wafers they are eaten by the hungry hoards and oto never appears.
Bob W
UVs are designed to be run 24/7 who ever tells you you can turn them on and off are wrong

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