Using Slate


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2008
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hello all, haven't posted for a while cos my laptops been back to the repairer but while its been away i've been thinking of adding some slate to my setup !!! I've had a quick look at old posts and can't find anything to bad, will it change my ph or hardness ? Its all running smoothly at the moment and would hate to introduce something that might upset this !! I'm looking at getting some slate patio stones from b & q at stacking them in one corner of the tank to add a few more hiding places !! Would this be ok, all advice welcome !


Should be ok, but wash and wash (and wash) .... I would do a test with some daphnia too, in a bucket - if they do 2 days+ then you'll be ok.
Make sure it IS slate though.... they have a habit of making "stone" from all sorts these days.
should not change any of your water parameters, as stated above make sure its clean well before introducing to your tank. :)
I bought a load of Slate from a local garden centre and smashed it up with a hammer and chisel in the garden! I then soaked it in boiling water and gave it a good scrub. Its in the tank now and looks great. If you want a more natural look I would recommend a garden centre as you can get some huge peices of slate at a decent price. I paid £10 for 3 large chunks. 1 peice was nearly 2 foot in length and a 10 inches across!
I bought a load of Slate from a local garden centre and smashed it up with a hammer and chisel in the garden! I then soaked it in boiling water and gave it a good scrub. Its in the tank now and looks great. If you want a more natural look I would recommend a garden centre as you can get some huge peices of slate at a decent price. I paid £10 for 3 large chunks. 1 peice was nearly 2 foot in length and a 10 inches across!

cheers for your help everyone, i'll have a closer look at the garden centres then instead of going straight to b & q
I have slate in two of my three tanks - I made little caverns with them and it doesn't affect the water any.
Slate is a nice addition to a tank. It will not affect the water quality. What it will do is lend a sense of structure to the decorations. It can be stacked for hiding places or even supported to form a cave-like structure under it. I think its only limit is your imagination.

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