Using Slate...

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK
Hi guys

I've got some pieces of slate I want to glue together (possibly roofing slate) to use in my new aquarium. Is slate OK to use in fish tanks - dont wanna introduce and heavy metals or ores or whatever that might leak off from the slate.

I spose I'll need to wash it in hot water to kill off anything that might be on it...

Any ideas on this much appreciated.


Probaly it's ok, but be sure, there isn't any sharp edges. Slates usually are very sharp if not "polished"/"grinded".
Hi Jimmy,

I've used slate before after being told it was fine to use. Again, make sure there's no sharp edges. My fishy friends loved it when I had a piece pushed into the gravel and leaning against the tankside. Great little tunnel to swim through and a safe haven for Doris to hide in.

BTW where in Herts are you?

Thanks for the advice Ade.

My dads a carpenter and he reckons he might be able to get me odd bits of slate, so all I need do is clean it up and maybe glue some of it together.

Some free decor!! :D

I'm in Broxbourne. Its gonna be my first ever fish tank, me and the missus just decided it would be something nice to have at home, but I wasnt aware of the whole science behind it. But now I'm hooked and we are just awaiting the delivery of our tank. Got the heater, filter, lighting, cleaning equipment, food etc....

Just need to get the substrate, plants and decor before I start to cycle the tank when it arrives.

Just be very very careful with the slate if it's recycled, I gott my slate from a disused quarry so was relatively sure that it was untainted, but if yours has been used for roofing, can you be sure it's free of chemicals? I know nothing about using slate on roofs so wouldn't like to guess, but I'd be very wary of it.

Any good LFS's over your way? We're always looking for new shops to visit.
Oh bum :huh: , I thought slate was slate was slate.....

Not sure how I'm gonna know if its been treated with anything. Maybe someone here might know..... ;) . This will need investigating.

Regards shops, the best place seems to be in Crews Hill which is actually Enfield, but its really Waltham Cross (straight down the A10 - can give u better instructions if u want). They have about 4 or 5 LFS within about a half a mile of each other!! Excellent fun for a Sunday morning out with our son to have a look at the fishes!!

Best one of the lot is probably WildWoods (it is quite big) which is where we are ordering our tank. Seem very helpful - but bear in mind I am still a newbie.

Another shop is in Harlow (or just before it on on the A414) which had extremely nice looking fish and very clean tanks (cleanest I've seen anywhere). But got put off when I asked the sales man (well boy actually) about buying ammonia to fishless cycle. He laughed at me and told me ur not supposed to add ammonia cos its poisonous to the fish blah, blah and proceeded to try to sell me a bottle of bacteria which cycles a tank within a week...!

Anyway, this issue with slate is a problem.....Got me hopes up and everything!!


I ain't saying slate ain't slate! :D But in the same way as I probably wouldn't put roofing timber in a tank, I'm not sure I'd use roofing slate either.

But if someone can say it's safe then I'm all for that.

I'd completely forgotten about Crews Hill, might take a drive down there one Sunday morning, then sit in the traffic jams for a while :lol:

I used slate in my tank. Where did the slate come from you ask? It's the same slate the construction company that built my house used as a slate acsent on the front of the house. So my tank & house match lol.. It should be okay to use your roofing slate. Before I added mine I dropped vinager on the dry stones no fizz it's okay.. Good Luck :thumbs:

P.S. The house was built like 50years ago...the slate was in the yard inbedded in the dirt, I dug it up, tested with vin then washed them in a bucket with very hot water NO SOAP!! HTH
Jimmy Twotimes said:
and maybe glue some of it together.
Watch out for that Glue!
Innocuos glue will dissolve in water.
Non water soluble glue is usually toxic.
So you're option would narrow down to silicone or similar.

:D Excellent stuff chaps, I'm back in business with the slate!!

Will use special "aquarium silicone" or glue to stick the pieces and the vinegar test is great info and will also give that a try. Will then soak the stuff in hot water to get it nice and clean.

Love the DIY aspect of this hobby. Its expensive enough as it is, always nice to know you can save a few pennies here and there and also knowing that some of it is made by me..... :lol:

Better than buying any prefabricated stuff in the LFS.....

Thank you my fishy friends.... :thumbs:

I went to a local builders merchants and asked them if they had roofing slates, yes they said. They thought I was crazy when I asked them if they had any broken ones they wanted rid of. Got loads for free, nice ground edges, clean, ready to silicone together.

I used to live in Hampshire, but took a Sunday up to Crewes Hill every couple of months. Great shops there.
I've got tons of slate in my tanks. A piece lying flat on the substrate makes a favourite hanging around spot for my pleco. That's where he sits when he comes out in the evening to visit and wait for food. Another, larger piece leaned against the glass in the corner is his daytime hangout, literally; he hangs vertically on the back of it almost all day. A large piece leaned against the glass at the back makes a great cave for my loaches. The three yo yo loaches are in there a lot. It's also very handy for attaching java fern to.
Hi there

I would not use glue personally :unsure: - I feel it would be too risky - you are safer with proper aqurium silicone - needs to be aquarium though

Just a thought on using natural products in fish tanks

I put a large pebble into my fish tank thinking it would be okay - just a normal pebble, washed it properly etc everything was fine - thing was that is gradually changed my pH in my tank

So basically if you are going to use something like that, best to keep a check on water quality to make sure it is not changing - if it does it could be your new addition.

Took me quite a while to realise what it was that was causing my pH to change :D
Gill - For future reference, the best way I know of to ensure a rock, pebble etc isn't going to affect the pH of your water is to drop a bit of vinegar on it. If it fizzes or bubbles at all, it's soluble and should not be put into your tank. No fizzing means it's almost certainly safe for your fishies. :thumbs:
Hi there ... I am a localer as well, just though you might want to know that there is another good local place called Amwell Aqatics ... set back from the main road between Epping and Harlow.
All the same stuff as Crews Hill, but without the traffic jams !!!

Waltham Abbey.

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