Id like some opinions on this, recently bought a new fancy goldfish, because my quarentine tank was being used to house some guppys for someone else and the shop assured me they had had him for over 6 weeks I put him straight into my tank-first time id ever done that and jeez am i paying for it
I first noticed two lice on the bottom side of his tail (same day I got him) and the tank was treated the next day with meds to kill them after two days I couldnt see them on him anymore and things looked good - yesterday I looked at him and could see whitespot, not heavily infected but there none the less, I put the carbon back into my filter to remove all traces of the lice med and yet today I look into my tank and I cant see the whitespot anymore however my fish are sick you can tell fins down floating rather than swimming that sort of thing and to top it all one of my original fancies looks as if he maybe getting a bit of fin rot on his tail unless its just a bite im not sure, two of them also have blood streaks through their fins
Because of the fact I seem to have more than one problem going on in my tank I was going to stear clear of any meds because what would I treat for first and use a medium salt solution in the tank to see if I can improve things, Im worried though about my dojo loach in with them im not sure if they are salt sensitive - I know hes pretty hardy, so far he is the only fish seemingly uneffected by this whole mess.
Opinions on my plans please, any thoughts, suggestions,comments, reassurance needed
Id like some opinions on this, recently bought a new fancy goldfish, because my quarentine tank was being used to house some guppys for someone else and the shop assured me they had had him for over 6 weeks I put him straight into my tank-first time id ever done that and jeez am i paying for it
I first noticed two lice on the bottom side of his tail (same day I got him) and the tank was treated the next day with meds to kill them after two days I couldnt see them on him anymore and things looked good - yesterday I looked at him and could see whitespot, not heavily infected but there none the less, I put the carbon back into my filter to remove all traces of the lice med and yet today I look into my tank and I cant see the whitespot anymore however my fish are sick you can tell fins down floating rather than swimming that sort of thing and to top it all one of my original fancies looks as if he maybe getting a bit of fin rot on his tail unless its just a bite im not sure, two of them also have blood streaks through their fins
Because of the fact I seem to have more than one problem going on in my tank I was going to stear clear of any meds because what would I treat for first and use a medium salt solution in the tank to see if I can improve things, Im worried though about my dojo loach in with them im not sure if they are salt sensitive - I know hes pretty hardy, so far he is the only fish seemingly uneffected by this whole mess.
Opinions on my plans please, any thoughts, suggestions,comments, reassurance needed