Using media from cycled tank?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hi, I just wonder how long before the beneficial bacteria dies when it has been removed from a cycled tank even when kept wet.

I am moving in a few months and I want to set up a new tank at my new home. I will be taking a filter sponge from my AC300 and also some of the decorations as well as some of the substrate from my cycled tank in order to jump start the cycle on the new set up at our new home. The problem is, by the time I get the stuff put into the new tank it will be at least two hours. Will the bacteria have died off by then? I am under the impression that the bacteria needs the oxygen to stay alive so how do I go about keeping it alive?
I should think that the aggitation that the water will get from the trip would be sufficient to keep enough oxygen in the water for the bacteria to stay alive.
The bacteria will last.

tip: bag the sponge in water the way a fish store bags fish, this will provide plenty of oxygen for many hours in a package that you don't have to worry about.

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