Using Java Moss Instead Of Gravel?


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Darlington, England, United Kingdom
Is it possible instead of using gravel to cover the floor of a tank, to use java moss in a 3 Gallon hex tank. Also, if I did cover the bottom of the tank, is it healthy for the fish and how much would it cost me? (In GBP's please [£])
Just so you know for next time, try to put all your questions in the same post instead of a bunch of different posts. Multiple posting teads to anger people, and then instead of answering yuor questions they yell at you or just ignore your posts altogether. :p

As for your question, you'll still need a substrate, doesn't have to be gravel, though.
What do you mean by a substrate? Also, i'm sorry for spreading out my questions everywhere, its just I pop random questions into my head and I have already posted others, in the future I will put all my questions together, sorry for being a newbie too...
Its ok, you're learning. :) By substrate I mean whatever goes on the bottom of the tank. Gravel, sand, dirt...and uhh...others. If you ask in the planted tank section I'm sure they can fill you in. Better yet, ask a mod to move this posts over to that section so you don't get yelled at for reposting. :lol:
Substrate is different fr gravel - it's contains vital nutrients for plants to grow like iron.

I've had success w/ just java moss growing in my tank - but that's justa tiny bit thanks to good lighting.

If you're looking into a planted tank for your betta, research it before dumping tons of $$ into it is my best advice. Substrate is expensive and so are plants - oh and don't forget lighting. :crazy:

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