Using established tank to cycle new tank


New Member
Apr 2, 2004
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North Carolina
I have an established tropical tank w/ Mollies, Swordtails and Gouramis. I have recently started cycling a 55 gal coldwater tank with 4 small fancy goldfish. I have read in several postings that good bacteria from an established tank can be added to a cycling tank but I am unsure how to do this, and am also unsure if the bacteria from a tropical tank should be used in a goldfish tank. I don't want to give the goldfish any diseases or expose them to bacteria that may be harmful to them. Do any of you have experience with this? I will greatly appreciate any information/experiences you have out there!

Thanks and have a great day!
To seed your new tank just take some gravel from the existing tank and put it in a nylon stocking and hang it in your new tank. A couple of handfuls should do it. Also if you have plants or ornaments in the older tank you can also use them to help. Shouldnt bother your fish i have done this many times before as long as the fish in the older tank are healthy. Good Luck and if you have any other questions just post them.
P.S. it halps to add your levels when you post cycling type questions. It may give the person reading more information to work with and give you better advice. :)
Hi you can use some gravel from your established tank tied up in a nylon stocking put this into the new tank it will speed the cycling process up or you can use some of the filter media from the filter in your established tank both these methods work .As for transfering any disease providing your tank is not carrying any disease there will be no problem.
Hope this helps :D
You can certainly use bacteria from tropical to goldfish, or the other way around.

The gravel will work, but what I find works even more quickly is to use filter media from an established filter in the new filter. In the filter water is forced through the media at a much faster rate then it does just hanging in the aquarium.

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