There are times in my life where I felt good, happy, and on top of the world. What a wonderful feeling that is, and using my considerable imagination I dreamed of a magic bottle to fill those good feelings up with. I put this mental bottle of good feelings up on a mental self in my mind. So on that day when I am depressed and feeling low, I take the bottle of good feelings of the self, open it up, and fill my heart with those good feelings again. It works for me. How you feel is a mental state, so no matter what brings me down or how bad it all gets, I make a conscious decision to feel good. Trust me when I say, life happens, that can't be helped. I have been laid off, broke, losing everything, wife leaving, my brother, my best friend dying almost all a the same time in life. Lost my one and only child, considering suicide, but made the effort to pull through and live for another day.