USD cats.

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
A world of my own
Im planning to get 4 for a 65g tank. It will be an overflow filter system. Will they be ok? what to feed them?

USD cats are easy to keep and feed, all they require is gentle tankmates and a few good places to hide. They will accept most types of food and once acclimatised may even accept flakes from the surface, i feed mine on small catfish pellets and frozen bloodworms.
They can be kept with semi - aggresive fish. Synodontis are very hard fish and do not take any messing. At least mine don't anyway.
Perky said:
They can be kept with semi - aggresive fish. Synodontis are very hard fish and do not take any messing.
That is true of most synodontis species but true upside down catfish Synodontis nigriventris only attain a maximum size of around 3 to 4 inches so do not fare well with larger or aggressive fish.
Yes I agree but mine are true upsidedown and are quite mean. If a fish swims up and goes towards him he will turn and swim at him without looking to see what fish it is.

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