
i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
grrrrrrrr petcetera...........
they ship their bettas in the most disgraceful condition
every time i buy a betta from them i take it home only do discover that it has fungus!
i don't know how i keep missing it!
i was bad and gave into temptation and purchased a male there 2 days ago!
it looked fine and i know its not MY water cause the bowl has been bleached and rinsed and the water is new!
i discovered today 3 pin head sized puffs of fungus!!!!!
i will not return another fish!!!!!

i need to know the best fungus fighting meds there is!
keeping in mind that my wallet is as shallow as a puddle :*) .........

I WILL SAVE THIS FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if i return him, they'll stick him in the back til he dies! :angry:
our petcetera is shameful!
Oops, found it! Ignore the PM :lol:

However, I just got my first betta a week or so ago, so I may not be the best to answer your question. I guess maybe a bit of aquarium salt and some bettafix if you have some, hopefully someone with lots of betta knowledge can come help you soon! I wish you good luck!
it sounds a lot like cotton wool disease which is an infection of the outer skin pruduced by bacteria. outbreaks occur when fish have been recently stressed by shipping or low temperatures, low oxegen levels etc. i have a betta book and this is what it says - "fishes with early stage lesions should be placed in clean water with 4 teaspoons of marine salt to the gallon and potassium chromate or potassium permanganate following package instructions. the salt assists osmotic balance and skin repair whereas the permanganate oxident kills the bacteria. uninfected fish from the same tank shoulds be treated as well in order to catch the disease at it's earliest stage. the disease progresses too rapidly for antibiotics to be effective. sulfa drugs applied directly to the wound have also been recommended. bettamax contains nitrofurazone and three sulfa drugs, the latter of little value as they need to be delivered in food or applied directly to the wound.
we have a pill we have used before called "fungus cure" by aquarium pharmaceuticals. it works well as long as you don't overdose the water. it contains victoria green b and neutroflavine. you can get it in most pet stores with fish. best of luck, i hope at least some of this was of use pointykitty. :/
thanx you guys!
i have to drive down to the store right this minute!
just one more thing

oh and if you caught on that i said that my male was in a bowl, he's being quarantiened (sorry if spelling is wrong) because i feared the fungus (all petcetera betta get it) and didn't want it in my tank ;)

the female crowntail is doing fine, in my 20gal community tank
the only problem is that she is so tiny that when she goes to the top of the tank she really gets her exercise swimming
although the water current doesn't look strong and the other fish aren't even slightly effected by it, the poor girl swims with all her might and sits in a plant to hold her in place while she eats (which she also has to do with all her might as the food goes by her quickly)
i have an aquaclear 150 (up to 30gal) and a airstone

is that too much current for her?????
should i stick her in a bowl til she's bigger (she's barely 3/4")?????

i've never had tank problems with betta before as the males are much bigger when i get them :huh:

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