New Member
My male ADF was going for a float yesterday and I noticed that he had a red spot on his tail. I had put in a tiger barb (big mistake!) a few days ago, (he has since been removed for harassing even my big tough male betta. Gotta love pet store staff that tell you they'll leave them alone...) and I think the barb had been snacking on him. I got a picture, but it's with a camera phone, and it's not very good quality.
I have a small tank that I have one fish in at the moment who is being treated with Melafix for torn fins, and I was wondering if Melafix might help his little heiny. Here's the picture:
Please let me know. I've read that Melafix is bad for ADFs, but then I've read that it's okay. Any help would be appreciated. I have him in a tank with another ADF, a betta, and a non-aggressive fish whose species I don't recall. There are plants to hide in and a teracotta pot to rest in away from the slight current from the filter and biowheel.
The frog died. I checked on him a few hours ago and he was swimming around just fine, red spot and all, and then just now I found him upside down on the bottom of the tank, stiff and with a green splotch on his underbelly. The red spot was gone. I got him out right away, and I'm trying to decide if I should add some Melafix to make sure my fish don't get sick in case it's a fungus. Here's a picture:
Any ideas? Please tell me. I want to make sure my other ADF and my fish stay healthy.
I have a small tank that I have one fish in at the moment who is being treated with Melafix for torn fins, and I was wondering if Melafix might help his little heiny. Here's the picture:

Please let me know. I've read that Melafix is bad for ADFs, but then I've read that it's okay. Any help would be appreciated. I have him in a tank with another ADF, a betta, and a non-aggressive fish whose species I don't recall. There are plants to hide in and a teracotta pot to rest in away from the slight current from the filter and biowheel.
The frog died. I checked on him a few hours ago and he was swimming around just fine, red spot and all, and then just now I found him upside down on the bottom of the tank, stiff and with a green splotch on his underbelly. The red spot was gone. I got him out right away, and I'm trying to decide if I should add some Melafix to make sure my fish don't get sick in case it's a fungus. Here's a picture:

Any ideas? Please tell me. I want to make sure my other ADF and my fish stay healthy.