urgent questions!


New Member
Aug 2, 2003
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i am at a loss right now.
back in june i started my hobby of fish keeping. i started with 2 dyed tetras in a bowl. little did i know they would need more than that. they survived quite well for 3 weeks before i moved them into a 2 1/2 gallon tank with 2 small plants and a little rock formation. again they were fine for another 3 weeks until i got a 10 gallon tank. they have been doing perfectly well with my 2 upside down catfishes, 1 new long finned gold skirt tetra, and 2 nonpainted glass fish. i added 1/2 teaspoon of salt because i read glass fish need the salt, but i didnt want to shock my other fish. so far everyone has been doing perfectly well.
i got cory's. 2 cute little albino/bronze cories. acclimated and everything, perfectly fine little darlings. except they can't have salt. didn't know that. so i did a water change today like normal, excluding the salt.
but now my tetras have been acting up. they arent gasping at the surface of the water, but just swimming along with their mouths slightly open, just at the surface.
and now one of my upsidedown catfish has come out of hiding in the middle of the day, and just upside down with his belly against the glass, and he's a little paler than usual. both my upside down cats usually stayed more or less hidden thruout the day, and it just seems odd...although they did come out yesterday evening when i added the cory's. i didn't think adding cory's would make them braver since they're a different species
the cory's seem fine, as do the glass fish even with the lowered salt.
so my questions:
1) what might be the cause of my three tetras trolling along the top of the water, even though they aren't gasping?
2) upside down catfish, why do they change color? is it because of stress?
3) what happens to glass fish when they don't have salt? i read they get a cloudy substance around them that has to be removed by hand.
4) how much salt is too much for cory's? how long before they show signs of problems with the salt? and if there is a problem, what do they do? what are the symptoms?
if i'm doing anything wrong, someone please let me know
Hi jennyfer

This sounds like a new tank. Did you let it cycle fully befroe adding new fish to it.

I think that you have a problem with annomia.

You have to let the fillter bacteria build up, to be able to deal with the fish waste, before addind more fish, after the first few fish.

Do you have any test kits? If not get some. You will need a minimum of pH, ammonia, nitrite and Nitrate.
i don't have nitrate and nitrite tests, but i do have ammonia and ph, and those are both reading out fine.

ack! what can i do to save my fish? should i just let nature take its course?
How long has the tank been running for - it could still be cycling?

Did you conditioned the tap water before you put it in the water? could be cholrine stress?

How much water did change in your water change?
Sounds like your tank isn't properly cycled, you really should be testing for nitrite and nitrate, as well as performing regular partial water changes with a good quality tap water conditioner that removes both chlorine and chloramine.

Mary is right! Don't put salt in with those poor lil Cory's! :crazy:

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