Urgent question on water change


Apr 29, 2024
Reaction score
Menasha, Wisconsin
Hey guys do to the ammonia levels along with nitrites n nitrates going up in my 46 g tank.
I'm gonna do a massive 50 or 60 % water change. I will get all the fish out into a bucket n do the water change besides cleaning the he'll out of the tank.
Once I fill it up with water again what should I add ( chem8cals ) to the new water ? Just good bacteria n water conditioner or something else ???
You don't need to remove the fish to do a water change. Just pay attention to make sure none of them go into the vac nozzle. Not that there's much danger of that. My fish usually hide during the water change.
All you need to do to the new water is dechlorinate it and make sure the temperature is relatively close to the tank temp. I actually go a little cooler. It simulates the effect of a rainfall in nature. The beneficial bacteria don't live in the water column. They live on the surfaces in the aquarium, particularly the filter media. So you don't need to replace them in a water change.
You don't need to remove the fish to do a water change. Just pay attention to make sure none of them go into the vac nozzle. Not that there's much danger of that. My fish usually hide during the water change.
All you need to do to the new water is dechlorinate it and make sure the temperature is relatively close to the tank temp. I actually go a little cooler. It simulates the effect of a rainfall in nature. The beneficial bacteria don't live in the water column. They live on the surfaces in the aquarium, particularly the filter media. So you don't need to replace them in a water change.
Ok, thanks bud
If you refill with buckets, add dechlorinator (water conditioner) to each bucketful at the dose rate for the amount of water in the bucket. If you put the water conditioner in first then run the water in as fast as it'll go, that will help mix the water conditioner throughout the water.

Example, my water conditioner dose rate is 1 drop per gallon for chlorine. My bucket holds 2 gallons water. I put 2 drops in each bucketful and then run in water at full speed up to the 2 gallon mark.
If you refill with buckets, add dechlorinator (water conditioner) to each bucketful at the dose rate for the amount of water in the bucket. If you put the water conditioner in first then run the water in as fast as it'll go, that will help mix the water conditioner throughout the water.

Example, my water conditioner dose rate is 1 drop per gallon for chlorine. My bucket holds 2 gallons water. I put 2 drops in each bucketful and then run in water at full speed up to the 2 gallon mark.
A little more if the water company uses chloramine.
Yes, I should have mentioned that. Dose at the correct rate for whatever is in your tap water, chlorine or chloramine.
You never need to take the fish out of the tank. Just change some water every week (50% sounds good), adding a dechlorinator every time, and don't add anything else.

Don't catch the fish unless you absolutely need to, because it's very stressful and (stress) causes diseases.

You don't need to "clean the he.ll out of it" either. Just use a gravel cleaner on the substrate occasionally, wipe the front glass occasionally, and rinse out the filter media in tank water occasionally.
rinse out the filter media in tank water occasionally.
That is, tank water you have removed during a water change. We've had members in the past who cleaned their filter media in the tank :blink:
If you refill with buckets, add dechlorinator (water conditioner) to each bucketful at the dose rate for the amount of water in the bucket. If you put the water conditioner in first then run the water in as fast as it'll go, that will help mix the water conditioner throughout the water.

Example, my water conditioner dose rate is 1 drop per gallon for chlorine. My bucket holds 2 gallons water. I put 2 drops in each bucketful and then run in water at full speed up to the 2 gallon mark.
Ok thank you bud

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