Urgent - Pregnant Fish

Don't panic but do a search on fish tb just to rule it out. As black spots can be also a symtom of tb. Just need to rule it out with fish being thin and the tail bending.
She is trying desperately to eat and being so thin, I think that it's vital!

She is getting food in her mouth, but it is popping straight back out again. I have put some liquifry in as I thought if she swims through the cloud of food, she might be able to get some in her. also there are five fry in the tank.

Is there anything else I can do to help with her eating please?
All you can do is try soaking her food in garlic juice to stimulate appetite and boost her immune system.

Did you do a search on fish tb.
Yep, did a search on tb.

Could be it, but it's hard to tell isn't it, because so many of those symptoms could be attributed to other illnesses. I am being careful and wearing gloves in any case.

Whatever it is, she is dying of the same thing as the last one.
She is now mega thin, spending lots of time hiding, fast gill movement, a few black spots which she had when we got her and today has started going vertical with her head at the top. She is however still having periods of swimming around and trying to eat, and the other adult mollie in the tank seems to be doing it's best to help her.

I wish I had a hospital tank to isolate her and treat her with anti-biotics but to get another heater, filter, tank etc would cost a lot :(

Thank you in huge amounts for your continued support. Don't know what I'd do without you :)
Bless her.

If it is tb you will need to use antibiotics anyway in the main tank.
Do you think I should just go for it and put the methyline blue in the main tank? I believe it kills the filter bacteria and dyes everything blue, but at least I might still have fish!!!! Do you know if it stains the glass? Don't want to wreck such a big tank.

Am bidding on a full small tank set up on ebay this evening to use as a hospital tank, so fingers crossed!! Hope she survives until I can get her in there!
I would kill all the snails to make sure its not black spot. As black spots can also be a sign of fish tb.

Does it say on the box if the methylene blue wipes the benefical bacteria out in the filter.
What brand of methylene blue is it.

Parasites can also cause weight loss.
Completely devastated!!!

Two days ago my orange Mollie died. She had fought as long as she could, bless her.

This left my last adult white Mollie. I have come to the conclusion that the spots on her and my orange Mollie were natural and when I bought them they look pretty young. I think they developed there spots as part of maturing, as when I went into the fish shop yesterday, lots of the Mollies looked the same!! The spots do not stand off their scales like cysts, so I don't think it's the snails.

Just gone to feed the fish this morning and couldn't see my white Mollie. She is dead, at the bottom of the tank. The only symptom she has shown at all is that when she tried to eat last night, the food was spitting back out of her mouth. So shocked by her death. Have had a good look at her, but can't see anything obvious. Only thing I noticed last night was an air bubble under one of her gills.

So, in the space of three months, I have managed to kill all three of my beautiful adult fish. Devastated :( They were such characters. I think she was in early stages of pregnancy too.

The five month old fry are all fine.

My water stats are PH 7.5, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, Ammonia 0

I went out yesterday and bought a hospital tank set up, brand new. I am going to set this up today, and put the fry in it. Am closing the big 27 gallon tank down for now, had enough. Could you advise me on what I could sterilise everything with please. Want to get everything 100% in case they had TB. don't think so though, because the fish whose tail bent, it was just the end of her tail every now and then.

Am not going to get any more fish in the forseeable future, as we are adopting another child at the moment, so very busy! Will continue to care for the fry though and see how they go :(

Just gutted.........
So sorry. R.I.P.
Fish keeping can be heart breaking at times. I had my disasters too. So know how you feel.

Throw substrate way. If you have live plants I would throw them away too.
Clean tank in bleach, rinse well and let dry out for aday.
Throw filter sponges away.
Steralise all equipment and let dry out.
Bleach plastic plants and rinse well, let dry out for aday.
On a lighter note, would like to say that I love your Christmas thingys!!! you're very clever!! :good:

So sorry. R.I.P.
Fish keeping can be heart breaking at times. I had my disasters too. So know how you feel.

Throw substrate way. If you have live plants I would throw them away too.
Clean tank in bleach, rinse well and let dry out for aday.
Throw filter sponges away.
Steralise all equipment and let dry out.
Bleach plastic plants and rinse well, let dry out for aday.

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