Urgent Please My Missus Wants To Move The Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 30, 2009
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manchester england
hi ya people

my partner got me a 90 liter tank for my birthday but in order for me to set this up i need to rearrange my living room.
i have a roma 200 liter tank and i need to move it from one side of my living room to the other and was asking as to waht the bet way to do this i dont want to stree my fish out in doing this so wahts the best way to do this as im doing it tommorrow night so all help would be good asap please

I'd try to remove as much of the water from the tank before moving it, otherwise when you move it the stress caused by the weight could cause the tank to crack. :/
If it was me id drain the tank as much as possible keeping the water, then it will be easy to catch the fish and put them in a bucket, then carry on draining the tank untill nearly empty, move the tank then refill and restock.You might need to go to your local hardware store and invest in a very large plasic tub! You only need to keep 50% of the water if you cant get a really large one and just treat it as a water change.
so really this is going to be a pain in the #14### then what about the fish ad there stress levels

Well this is the only way to keep the stress levels down. They will be used to the water draining from your water changes. By draining the water and taking all plants and ornaments out of the tank they should be fairly easy to catch so it shouldnt be too bad, and by keeping as much of the water as you can it wont be too much of a shock for them and you should be able to get the temp up in the new tank quite quickly. This is how I did my tank when I upgraded to a larger one and none of mine had any problems.

Dont forget to run your filter in a bucket of tank water so it doesnt dry out and if its going to take you a while to sort it all out put a heater and air pump in your bucket of fish.
I'll be upgrading tanks soon so I have a similar issue. The new tank needs to go where the old one is now so I will be doing exactly what Gilli has mentioned. The old tank is 125L and I have a 60L cement mixing rubber bucket (from homebase). The fish will be in the bucket with some of the plants and rocks for quite some time as I'll be waiting for sand substrate to settle before moving them, so I will be running my filter and heater in the bucket whilst I play the waiting game.
I'm sitting in my new house right now with my fish in an 80l storage tub from Morrisons,set up with filter and heater.It is a COMPLETE pita moving fish!!I've done my 60l completely,cos you can actually lift it with a bit of water in!!(and fish!),but the 125 is a nightmare,I moved the last of my fish from it into the tub tonight,my fishtank is the last thing to go from the old house.
I think this is the best way to go,this way,you don't have to madly rush things.

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