Urgent! Please Help!

S Herbert

New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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NB. This has been posted on Fish Emergencies too, but I need help ASAP

Please Help!

I'm not sure what's happening to my angel. Two hours ago he was fine, and now he's floating at the surface of the water gasping for air, swimming rapidly but not going anywhere, laying on his side on and off, and when swimming, swimming with his head bowed and his fins tucked in. He looks as if he's going to die. I don't know what to do!
He wouldn't eat properly for weeks (4) so I tried tempting him with garlic-soaked food (i.e. food in a glass of water with piece of garlic/garlic removed/water removed/food put in tank)...I am wondering if maybe he's ingested a v small piece of garlic or something. Also, it sounds wierd but he doesn't seem to be able to excrete anything (i.e he's had the same string of poo for a good few hours and he looks very bloated). It's happened all of a sudden, and he was ab fine before hand.
All three other angels and other fish are absolutely fine. Water parameters are all within normal range. I have the air bubbler on and the Eheim filter is rippling the surface as usual.
Please Help A.S.A.P What can I do???

been reading your other posts including the long post about you trying everything to try to get this angel to eat - with no avail.............SORRY to hear 1 is not pulling through- but some angels that we acquire from a general pet store to that of a known local breeder (whose stock is more cared for it seems and disease erradication through breeding) - can come home with us and we acclimate, quarantine and tip toe around them as they are introduced into our tanks............BUT they can have an internal parasites, worms, bacteria that........sometimes we cannot cure.

maybe this little angel is 1 of those.............i had a few that no matter what help or adivce given off here........(namely wilder and tolak in this case) - we just cannot seem to get them better or enable them to heal

very sorry once again..........apart from listening to wilder the disease & treatment expert and tolak the angel guru - I CAN'T HELP BUT SAY SOZ!


P.S wats name of the angel ?

been reading your other posts including the long post about you trying everything to try to get this angel to eat - with no avail.............SORRY to hear 1 is not pulling through- but some angels that we acquire from a general pet store to that of a known local breeder (whose stock is more cared for it seems and disease erradication through breeding) - can come home with us and we acclimate, quarantine and tip toe around them as they are introduced into our tanks............BUT they can have an internal parasites, worms, bacteria that........sometimes we cannot cure.

maybe this little angel is 1 of those.............i had a few that no matter what help or adivce given off here........(namely wilder and tolak in this case) - we just cannot seem to get them better or enable them to heal

very sorry once again..........apart from listening to wilder the disease & treatment expert and tolak the angel guru - I CAN'T HELP BUT SAY SOZ!


P.S wats name of the angel ?

Thanks Rob W
We're just going to sleep on it and pray for him right now - best we can do. We called him Silver.
well hope silver can find the strength from somewhere - i think to be honest it could be the end.

just a cupple things........can you deflect the filter output to reduce its intensity to help silver stay buoyant?

add air stone or turn up air pump?

apart from turning up temp and getting the dimetronidazole - nothing more to offer - SORRI

rob :unsure:
Well - it looks as if my prayers might have been answered.

I stayed up as late as I could last night - kept the bubbler on as long as possible, and to be honest by the time I went to bed, I had very little hope for the poor chap. It was very upsetting to watch, and I was even considering euthanasia.
But I got up this morning for work, and miraculously he seems to have pulled through! Not only is he swimming normally around the tank, but he's eating too.
I can't understand it - he looked on death's door last night.

You dont think that maybe he swallowed a bit of garlic (I thought I'd taken it all out, but you never know) and it knocked his system for six? Otherwise I really cant explain it.

I'm not getting my hopes up too much - he may just be on the brink...but I'll keep you posted on Silver's situation.
Seems like something could have happend while he was eating. At my store a lot of goldfish we have are mistaken for swim bladder problems. Half the time they've got too much air in while eating their flakes and ended up floating around until they got the air out of their digestive track :lol: it's a little funny to watch but most of the time they recover by the end of the day.

If the lil' guy acts up agian and for some reason stops eating start him on some interal parasitic meds.
Do you think it's more about the fact that he started eating after so long a break? Maybe it was his system getting used to him eating again? Constipation? I dunno - hope he's recovering well though! :good:

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