Urgent! Please Help!

glad silver has made it through the night..........a fighter !

Kathym had trouble with a cupple of angels and think she tried everything - but sorta came to the conclusion that is was a "weak strain" - hence nothing working to get it better

could have swallowed a piece - unless seen - hard to tell - BUT definately is something !!!!!! - it's just pinpointing it!

just few more things - and now i scraping the barrel........

is it being bullied?

smaller than other angels?

super-long-veil fins? (i had some and they could not keep upright due to their flowy fins - looked REAL hard work for them - knackering!!!!!!!!!

water clean as it can be?

...........said i was scraping the barrel - good luck though - least you are not giving in !

Thanks Rob

To Answer your questions -

o He was originally bullied a little by the largest angel (both bought at the same time but the larger one ate and Silver didn't) - although the larger angel has never been super-aggressive and just states his territory with all the other fish in the tank.
o He's not actually the smallest of the angels. We have 2 Peruvian Altums which are about an inch - Silver is 2 1/2" or thereabouts
o By the Veil Fins do you mean the anal fins? If so, he does have quite long fins, but he's certainly never had trouble keeping himself upright or getting tired before.
o Water is Nitrite 0 / Ammonia 0 / Nitrate 10 / pH 7-7.5. The water is super-clear and well-filtered. Weekly water-changes are the norm, and sometimes extra.
o He has plenty of places to hide, including reeds / artificial mangrove roots / large slate cave / other plants.

He's always been trouble from the word go, but we still persist and he always seems to pull through - definitely a fighter. It's crazy. We have tried everything feeding-wise and everything that could possibly be related to his symptoms medication-wise. But in the end it seemed to be the combination of a dose of flubinol 15, followed the next day by garlic-treated flake food.

If he does pull through this, I think I'll just put it down to swallowing a piece of garlic / eating too much on a small stomach (appetite overly-stimulated by the garlic) / constipation (?).

PS. if it is constipation, what's the best thing to do - especially when peas arent exactly his favourite ;)

good to know about the flubinol in the U.K (i ordered some - JUST IN CASE)..............i would treat the tank more than once after reading about it !! - sounds a real good med - not harming filter too!!!!!!

yea bugger isn't it if silver wont eat concerning the constipation nothing more to add as silver wont eat but i been reading about salt baths acting as kind of laxative OR daphnia OR a simple starving to allow the purged food to digest!!!?? if silver is constipated can give symptoms of swim bladder with a rounded bulgey belly and buoyancy problems also string white poop - this then obviously leads to other problems!

stick to what made silver eat and make silver "appear" as though getting better - over time this may enable the immune system to kick in??..........just throwing ideas about there in my previous post - the fins of super-veiled angels are REALLY flowy not like "regular" fins are wayyyyyyyy more droopy and flowing kind of like to those of a betta (I NEED A PIC !)......................look here : http://www.theangelfishsociety.org/present...allery/sv13.jpg

but my 2 angels became completely knackered swimming against the current and of course could not keep upright......but they dont sound like super-veil!

whats the tank temp?
good luck
Wow! That's a beautiful angel :)

The flubinol claims alot doesn't it? I wasn't 100% before putting it in but it really doesn't seem to do any harm whatsoever. Seems like really good stuff.

The tank temp is generally around 27/28 C

I think I'll just see how it goes with him...keep on nursing him and pray for the best :)

Cheers Rob
Glad he made it, I didn't think he would, but fish can surprise you at times.
Good luck hope he get back to full health fast.
Glad he made it, I didn't think he would, but fish can surprise you at times.
Good luck hope he get back to full health fast.

Thanks Wilder
He's obviously a little fighter under all that sickliness :)
He ate yesterday (and pooped normally -which is promising) - seemed very hungry for a fish that had just been on the brink of death seemingly. I fed some crushed pea too, which he wasn't really into but he ate a wee bit of it, so hopefully that will help if there is any constipation.
I really can't fathom what on earth it was that knocked him for six so much.
All I can imagine is that there is the slightest possibility Silver ate a small piece of garlic...and if their taste buds are anything like ours it would have been quite 'strong' to say the least. Maybe he couldn't work out what it was making his mouth/stomach burn and that gave him a near heart-attack through panic ?????
Goodness knows - just fingers crossed now for the future :)
Bless him to be honest I thought he was a goner.
Good luck, he's a little fighter.

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