Urgent! Need Help With My Tank Plz!


Mostly New Member
Jun 16, 2013
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Hey guys

I have got a 350 liter tank with plastic plants, ornaments, airstones, etc.
I do use safe water liquid, green control, etc.
I have done few checks all good.
Unfortunately one of the scissor tail passed away days after I have bought it. I got another 1 for free from the store which made 4 in total again but one more passed away. The issue I have now is after that my 2 gouramis and platy have died. I am so confused. I need help. I have used disease clear liquid recently.
The temp is set at 28 degrees.


1 x platy
3 x cherry barb 
2 x albine pleco
3 x dalmation mollies 
1 x gourami
3 x red treta eye
3 x xray treta
7 x zebra danio
2 x boesemani rainbow
3 x neon tetra
6 x glowlight tetras
1 x red honey gourami
3 x scissor tail
2 x odessa barb

Is there any issue with these fish all together? So far they seem to go alright.
Also I need ur help to identify 2 fish of mine if they are female or male please.


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What are you water parameters?  Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH.   That would help further diagnose the situation.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
PH 7
Is the tank cycled?  What chemicals, if any, have been added to the tank?
The only liquids I use are those ones previously mencioned. Safe water, green control, disease clean, easybalance, etc
What is "green control"?  
What is "disease clean"?  
What is "easy balance"?
I'm going to guess: an algaecide, general purpose med, and a pH stabilizer - in that order.
I don't know what "etc." could be as a chemical.  Please be specific.
Personally, I am a STRONG believer that the only 'chemical' that should be routinely added to the tank is a quality dechlorinator.  ANYTHING else should be used for 'emergencies' only.  Algaecide, imho, has no place in a tank.  If your algae is out of control, you need to deal with the cause not the symptom.  pH does not need to be "7.0", but it just needs to be stable.  In fact, imho, its better to just use whatever your tap water is and find fish that match that.
Finally, you added "disease clean".  What is that supposed to cure?  What did you think the problem with the fish was?  
You mentioned the fish have died.  What symptoms did you notice beforehand?  What changes have taken place with the tank?  Temp fluctuations, new food, heater malfunctions, filter working properly, cleaning of the tank (primarily substrate disturbances), etc.?
Your stocking isn't the best, most if those fish need either different temperatures or bigger schools. This probably isn't the reason for the deaths but it is still something to be considered.
Cherry barbs need schools of at least 4, 6 preferably. I recommend you buy 3 more
Red eye tetras need a school size of at least 6, I recommend that you buy 3 more
X-ray tetra need a school of at least 6, I recommend you buy 3 more
Zebra Danio's are cold water/sub tropical fish that are happier at temperatures of around 22/23, I recommend that you rehome them.
Boosemani rainbow (I think) need schools of at least 6
Neon Tetra's need a school of at least 6, I recommend you buy 3 more,
Odessa barbs (I think ) need a school of at least 6.
yeah i think its better to go with bulk on schooling species with only 1 to 2. best of luck
Any idea about my pics on my first post? Male or female?
Nearly impossible to tell from the pics.  If you could get a better shot of the side of the fish, that would help.  The platy looked male based on body shape, not as 'plump' as I would expect a female to be.
But, google 'gonopodium'.  If you see one on your platy, its a male, if the anal fin is a 'fan' shape, then its a female.

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