Urgent: My African Dwarf Frog Its On Its Back


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2009
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i have a 10 gallon tank a few days ago i bought an african dwarf frog, this morning he was swimming at the top and they told me it was normal behaviour for a frog to stay at the top for a while, and so it was but right now he all of a sudden has flipped on its back, but he is moving if i poke him he tries to get back in position but he cant, and lays on his back again, like i said all the nitrites are 0 nitrates are 0 as well, tank mates are 3 blackskirt tetras, a few rosy red minnows, and a female betta + 2 ghost shrimps, nobody picks on him and he has hiding places and stuff

the substrate is playsand, and i havent fed him anything yet because i just got him 2 days ago, im pretty sure he isnt starving because his belly looks A LITTLE bloated, and idont think he has air inside his body as he hasnt touched food yet
Whats the ammonia reading?

ADF's require bloodworms at least every 2 days, doubtless he hadnt been fed in the store much before you bought him. You will need to feed the bloodworms as close to him as possible or the fish/shrimp will eat it before he gets a chance to. Squirt some down to him and see if he eats. Cant say ive ever seen my frogs on their backs and particulary not unable to right themselves.
EEK give him some food... mine gets fed everyday!!

He was just like lying on his back :)
Whats the ammonia reading?

ADF's require bloodworms at least every 2 days, doubtless he hadnt been fed in the store much before you bought him. You will need to feed the bloodworms as close to him as possible or the fish/shrimp will eat it before he gets a chance to. Squirt some down to him and see if he eats. Cant say ive ever seen my frogs on their backs and particulary not unable to right themselves.

thanks but i dont think the problem was that he was starving most likely it was something with the water, i had some aquarium salt which people told me it was harmless to frogs, and i also had play sand, who knows if he swallowed play sand, but i didnt have a choice, in the internet they say gravel can be dangerous to frogs as the can swallow it, but then i just saw that play sand can be just as dangerous as gravel for the african dwarf frogs, so next time i probably won't ever buy another frog, but if i do ill make sure the salt levels are 0, and that there is no substrate as well, other than that, the ammonia was near 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0, and the pH was fine. maybe it was already deceased in the last tank i bought it from, but only god knows. i ended up feeding my ADF to my needlefish as he was almost dead wouldn't even trash around the net, and had nearly no strength to go back to normal position.

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