Urgent Help Needed


New Member
Aug 24, 2007
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I have a nano marine tank.
About half an hour ago I fed the tank Artemia.
There seemed to be a very fine bit of cotton in the cube of artemia because one of my (inch) clowns swallowed a chunk attached to the cotton/thread and the thread was trailing around behind him.
I caught the clown in a net and managed to grab the cotton and pulled it gently. It was not coming out, so I pulled the cotton while holding the fish back gently and the cottom pulled up the chunk he originally ate.
It seems there is a tiny bit left in his mouth and its so tiny there is no chance I can grab it, but he seems to be almost choking on it.
He is extremely lathargic and lying on his side at the bottom of the tank.
I fear that he might die.. and I have no idea what to do.
Do I take him out and try to get it from his mouth? It might be tricky as its so small I'd probably have to use tweezers, and I don't want to stress him out.
Please any help/suggestions??
I dont really know what to say here except that you may have already caused untold damage by pulling the chunk out of the fish already after it had been digested.
The only method of getting the rest out would be to place the fish in a shallow tray with a small amount of tank water in a towel with just its head showing and carefully and quickly try to extract the rest of the thread whilst using tweezers. This is throught with danger and it may be better to see of the fish can regurgitate the foreign body by itself.

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