Urgent Help Needed!


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
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Poole/Dorset England
Please help i asked a question a few days ago about brown rusty colour stuff on my l/r and substrate, its getting worse and im getting alot of algae please help, ive been told its diatoms? please view pics and advise. thanks for lookin Dan :shout:


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how long has ur tank been set up, what are your water parameters?, is it slimy or hairy?
the tank was cycling for 7 weeks with the l/r in to cure it, then checked parameters all fine so started to stock, the fish been in for 3 weeks, the parameters are still fine nothing abnormal, the stuff feels slimy ut its not thick slimey just thin layer? cheers Dan
I wouldnt worry to much about it

I know it looks nasty but most new tanks go through the cyno stage

When I started it got so bad that I almost gave up but I perservered and it disapeered

Are u using RO water?
cyano isnt a normal stage, try adding more flow to that area, and keep it siphoned off, or decrease ur lighting cycle
Well it's definitely Cyanobacteria, of which there are many articles here and elsewhere on the web. Cyanobacteria is a tough one to get rid of it, since its consumption is mildly toxic. The only way to beat it is to remove its food source. This could be nitrates, phosphates, silicates, or even other trace elements we're unsure of. As has been alluded to, sometimes cyano just mysteriously dissappears, likely because it consumes all of the nutrients it was feeding on. Ultimately, find the nutrients, eliminate them, and the cyano dies.

So, do you know the TDS of your RO water?

And in the meantime, I'd suggest adding some phosphate remover to your regimen.

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