Urgent Help For Yellow Lab


Fish Crazy
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 9, 2013
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So as always i started my 50% water change on my 450L african cichlid tank, i always wedge the hose in to the rock work to make it really hard for adventuring fish to get sucked into the hose,
well the worst happened.
My yellow lab swam too close and was sucked onto the end of the hose for about 5-10s before i noticed he was stuck to it, i immediately pulled the hose out and he was released back into the tank.
He spiralled around on one side for 20 seconds before being able to swim in a straight line, like he was on a spindle web.
He sadly has some red marks around his left gill (luckily it wasnt over his eye) and has lost his left fin due to the pressure pulling on him.
It looks like a fish hicky so to speak. He is now swimming fine and normal, isnt hiding away or gone to a lonely place to possibly pass away so im hopeful for the little fella.
Is there any advice you would give?
I added a little higher dose of seachem safe to ensure all chlorine and chloramine was removed before adding fresh water so it didnt pass over his wounded gill.
A minor note he lost all black colouring to his top fin for a minute or two but has started to regain his colour, probably was in shock?
Sounds like he'll be ok, just a bit shocked. Melafix works wonders if you want to medicate further.
Suitable medication for such thing? and would i need to put him in a quarantine tank, i currently only have my 450L had no more space for other tanks =(
edit: i also have some New Life Spectrum Thera A+ which has high contents of garlic good for antibacterial and anti parasite feeding, would this suffice?
I dont mind buying Melafix if thats what it takes, but would it be acceptable to just treat the whole tank? never had to use medications my tanks over filtered and generally always near perfect water (sometimes nitrates reach ~60ppm but using Seachem safe it says tests will still show nitrate even though its now not toxic)
Sorry to ramble on!
He should be fine with a few water changes.
Just keep an eye on the wounds for infection.
Bless Him.
Good Luck.
Thanks to both, hes a beautiful natured little fish, swims through my fingers and schools in their weird way with the other 5 :D
Are his wounds showing signs of healing?
It happened only a couple of hours ago, but within 10 minutes the redness had reduced and he was swimming about, ill keep a close eye on him and change 20% a day for the next week to aid him
Bless Him. If the redness has reduced it's a good sign.
Just to let you know, i checked back on him this morning, nearly all the red marking has gone, AND! a bonus to this is it seems he hadnt lost his fin after all, must have just had it stuck to his side unsure on whether he can use it or not thats why i didnt see it, he wasnt waving it around at me :p
anyway, thanks for caring and sharing your knowledge, ill try and remember to post another reply to you in a week to tell you if hes made his full recovery :), also seen as tho i havent named any of my fish (~40 of them) i would like you to name this adventurous yellow lab! :D
WILDER said:
Bless Him. If the redness has reduced it's a good sign.
Thank you for the update.

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