Urgent! Dying Clown Knife!


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
I just purchased my first ever clown knife on Saturday. He's in a 20 gallon by himself until the 75 finishes cycles (yes he'll go into a bigger tank then the 75 when the time comes) he's about 5" right now. The last 2 days he's seemed perfectly healthy, but today I found him lying curled up on his side, he's still alive and will periodically swim in a circle then go back on to his side not moving, I did a 50% water change, but not sure what else to do! Please Help!!!
Have you checked the water stats? Results?
Well if those stats are right then its not an enviromental issue which means it must be something internal on the fish (that is presuming there are no external symptoms to be seen). In these cases at best all you can do is cover the tank with a towel or blanket and up the temperature by a couple of degrees then cross your fingers and hope. Sometimes the fish will pull through and sometimes they wont.
cant really add anything helpful
hope it makes it
good luck :good:

I'm kind of just relying on prayers and fingers crossed right now. Last I checked he was still alive, but laying on his side. It's odd, because he was in the tank for 2 days swimming "owning" the tank, then BAM he's on his side curled... I have 0 luck with knifefish... I think I'll give p for a while on trying to own them if this guy doesn't pull through. :(

I just wanted to note that I've done all my research and my tank stats are on like I've stated, just this is the second time this has happened to me. I owned a BGK like 6-12 months (not sure of the exact time frame) and he did the same thing. My water stats were all fine then too. Any ideas of what I could be doing wrong?

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