Urgent Breeding Question


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
Okay, like I said in a previous post, this is my first time breeding on my own. My male has a nice bubblenest under a stirophome cup. I left them in together before i went to bed last night because everything was going smoothly. Well today I've seen them wrap up together but the female didn't drop any eggs. Now she still seems eggy and still has breeding bars but the males gotten very aggressive and won't her anywhere near the nest. Is is possible they spawned last night? Then why would they wrap again this afternoon? The nest is in a position where I have no hope of seeing if there are any eggs in it. I don't know whether I should remove the female or not. Any advice would be wonderful!!
So long as he's not attacking her constantly and taking scales off then leave her in. It quite often happens that they try embracing then give up for a while in which time he will chase her away from the nest while he builds a bit more.

Hopefully they will get back into the zone again soon :hey:
I agree with Joby on that it takes time and to leave her in unless he's really attacking her! It took mine over twenty attempts at wrapping before eggs appeared! he will soon start flirting with her!

Good luck and keep us updated

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