
Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
Solihull UK
Right i decided to try my fisrt spawn this weekend so i have conditioned both male and female and i had suspended a glass jar in the breeding tank. She had been in the jar next to the male since friday. Anyway i had to go out last night and i came back this morning to find that she had somehow jumped out of the jar and was in the breeding tank with him.

Basically i dont know if they have done anything while i have been out or if they are going to or even if she is fully ready.

He has a bubblenest and is wagging his body alot so i guess he is ready. The female is too pale to have any stripes so im not sure about her. He chases her around a bit every so often andis constantly flaring and adding and moving bubbles on his nest.

How do i kno whats happened/happening. Help me!! Its my gorgeous bright pink HM and a lovely yellow female!!
If she jumped out then I would say she is ready. Throw a towel over the tank and try to leave them alone as much as possible. Pretty soon she should start wagging under the nest with him :thumbs:
If she deliberately seeks him out at all, then there's a good chance she's ready and spawning will commence before too much longer.
him chasing her seemed a little over the top to me, something wasnt quite right. So i have taken her out. Gonna keep feeding them up this week and try again the weekend i think. I dont think she was quite ready, im sure he was. I know i wasnt ready. lol

At least i know they can be in the same tank and not rip each other to shreds. lol

Thanks for the replies.
The male will naturally chase the female around, and she will likely flare back at him when he does so (when her bravery lasts long enough, or when it's getting really close to spawning). It's entirely natural. It is just them courting each other, trying to prove to each other their fitness, thereby demonstrating that they have good, strong, fit genes to pass onto fry, so the fry have a better chance at living. The male is just trying to prove that his male offspring will be big and dominant and capable of passing on their genes to future generations.

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