Urgent: Baby Snapper


New Member
Sep 9, 2007
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My friend found a baby snapper turtle in his pool (chlorinated) today. We saved it (it is dead in the eyes of the ecosystem, no use in altering the ecosystem by releasing it again), and we want to make a tank for it and stuff. This is in New Jersey, and here it gets like 90+degrees in summer and it can get pretty cold. Can I put this little baby turtle in my tank with my guppies? The turtle is only about the size of a quarter, and its been about 7 hours and it's fine (im temporarily keeping it in a small open container).
Dont know much about turtles but I think it will need a large tank.
I do know people buy feeder guppies for turtles and you say its a snapping turtles so I wouldnt mix the two.
Dont the turtles need land aswell?

The reason there called snapping turtle is that when a fish goes near them, there mouth goes SNAP. Dont put him with guppys...even if the guppys are bigger, he will snap at them and the turtle has poor eyesight and eat many things in that size comparison of guppies.
Thanks for the input guys!

I know I'll need a larger tank soon, and I have another tank I'm going to put him in (seperate), I'll probably do this tomorrow.

So far he's been fine in the tank with the guppies. He doesn't have any land though, but he climbs around on the mesh of the breeder cage.

He seems very peaceful so far, and he's not too shy. He's never made one attempt to bite me or a fish, but this might be because he's so young.
Remember not to let him get too cold. He could get a sinus infection. Be sure to read up on turtles at your library. Don't forget to take pictures!

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