Urgent: Aequidens Rivulatus

Alicia & Michael

New Member
Sep 6, 2005
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Ok My rivulatus have bred and I had no Idea so now they are in the really huge tank 4x2x3 with a whole heap of other cichlids.

Should I move them to our empty tank (water is aged just sitting with no fish in it) or should I just leave them where they are.
I want to give them their best chance for survival they are the first fry we have had off of our pair.

My other question is should I put the parents in with them or not? I have looked it up and get conflicting advice.

Thanks in advance :*)
If you are to move them, then don't move the parents as they may become confused and eat them too. Their best bet may be without the parents because the parents may or may not eat them. :D
I am totally clueless and without my husband here its going to be fun trying to get them out, the tank is sooo high :D
I know the feeling about cichlids breeding too well. I have some Sajica (fantastic parents) who are breeding and the fry are approaching the 1cm mark and starting to become less transparent, also recently my 'Blue Acaras' or possibly 'Green Terrors' (still to be confirmed), also had free swimmers the other night, however i didnt have a seperate tank for them due to my Sajica breeding. They are currently housed with my JD's & Firemouths (theres also a Blue Loach & Syno in there too), so as you can imagine as soon as the female forgot she had fry while she scouted about at feeding time the fry got hoovered up by the Syno & Loach...

Surprisingly the only none bottom dwellers of the tank that were actually interested in trying to pick off the fry were the Firemouths, i guess JD's are not that bothered by tiny morsels... They have all been eaten now, unfortunately thats the way it is with fish sometimes :(
Well all my babies died.
Seems a high powered filter is NOT the way to go for those little ones.

We put the parents into the other tank and 2 days later......... Eggs.

So they are ready to hatch hopefully they will survive a little longer this time.

Thanks for you help

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