Fish Fanatic
Urgent advice needed bn eggs please.
Sometime between Friday and today my bn female laid a batch of eggs.
Unknowingly, I moved a the top of a rock cave I made to check for previous fry and a batch of orange eggs came floating out.
The community fish in the tank instantly crowded round for a feast, so in sheer panic, I have carefully removed the eggs and put them in a large breeding net with dad and his permanent cave home.
The eggs are outside the cave.
Have I done right please? or, any advice greatly appreciated.
Kind regards
My male bn (This is not the breeding net he is now, just one for the photo. The breeding net he is in has a rigid plastic framework holding it together, so dad is perfectly safe.
The eggs.
Sometime between Friday and today my bn female laid a batch of eggs.
Unknowingly, I moved a the top of a rock cave I made to check for previous fry and a batch of orange eggs came floating out.
The community fish in the tank instantly crowded round for a feast, so in sheer panic, I have carefully removed the eggs and put them in a large breeding net with dad and his permanent cave home.
The eggs are outside the cave.
Have I done right please? or, any advice greatly appreciated.
Kind regards
My male bn (This is not the breeding net he is now, just one for the photo. The breeding net he is in has a rigid plastic framework holding it together, so dad is perfectly safe.
The eggs.