upsidedown catfish


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
somewhere on earth

ive got an upsidedown catfish in my 3 foot tank ive had him for about 1 and half years now and all he seems to do is sit behind the heater and do nothing, doesnt come out at feeding time, so i cant understand why hes still alive if u dont eat u dont live so??

that and he hasnt seem to grow at all in size hes bout probeably 5 cm max in lenght
Upside down cats (synodontis nigriventris) like most other synodontis catfish are strictly nocternal and will hide away until the room is in complete darkness. At 5cm your fish is not far off the maximum adult male size for this species, they are long lived and will take another year or so to reach full size which is 3" (8cm) for males and 4" (10cm) for females. Although they can survive by scavenging around the tank at night you should add a little flake or some floating pellets for them after lights out twice a week to make sure they are getting a good varied diet. They are better if kept in a small group (schooling fish) and you stand more chance of seeing them if kept that way, if you have the room then you should add another one at least.
thanks cfc

nocternal i should have guess that :lol:

im gonna try to add some flakes/pellets after lights out but chances are my cichilds will gobble them down, those fish eat pretty much everything.

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