upside down pleco


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Medford New Jersey
Well, my aunts friend has a 10 gallon aquarium with 2 goldfish and a pleco. The pleco is weird. There is this rock with a hole in the middle of it. The pleco spends 95% of it's time under the rock. 80% of the time it sits upside down in the rock just sucking away at nothing. Why does it do this? My aunts friend said it is simply because the fish is a dork, but I think there is another reason.
Plecos spend most of their time hiding, or at least the one i had used to do that. But what pleco is it though? Common plecos get very big, and need much more than a 10 gallon.

It is a standard Pleco SE with 150 horsepower.

Ya, it is a common pleco. She knows she will have to get rid of it eventually. But until then, she keeps it in her tank. She said she doesn't want anything else besides her goldfish "porkers". But yeah, the hold is not enclosed so I cannot see why her pleco is hding. Do you think she is right and the pleco simply "likes the rock"?
I am no behavorial expert on plecos, but i THINK they are nocturnal. Correct me if i am wrong. But i noticed something else. A pleco is a tropical fish. Goldfishes are coldwater fishes. They dont mix well, as a temperature that suits one harms the other.

'coldwater' tanks may well be warm enough for tropicals... Anyway...

That sounds like normal Plec behaviour to me...
Alright then, Thanks!

By the way, I have ALWAYS mixed plecos with goldfish up until I stopped getting goldfish, and I knows too many people who put Plecos with goldfish and they are just find.

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