
New Member
Aug 1, 2005
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I have two plecs (common) in my 62UKg tank. They are both very bold and active. The larger one of the 2 (6'') seems to graze upside down on dried food with the other fish. Is this a common thing? I've never seen this before.
I have only had my Common for a few weeks but I have not seen it do that! It does go upside down to eat the algae from ornaments in the tank but not to eat dried food. They are nice to watch aren't they? Mine also keeps the glass very clean. I wouldn't mind cleaning it but I never have to. :)
ours sometimes swims upside down across the surface eating flake...

Quite funny to watch :D
It's great to watch. I don't have plecs but I do have two brachysynodontis (greater upside down cats). The bolder of the two is very nosey even in the daytime and will poke his head out to watch the activity in the living room. I get the impression he'd let me handle him in time too after lights out. He comes to the front and sits and looks at me, even if I go right up to him and put my hand on the tank. :lol: A few nights ago he swam to the top then turned upside down and swam the length of the tank like it and down to the bottom before twisting back the other way.
These cats have incredible finnage on their backs and they are my favourite fish of them all. :wub:
If I get hold of my Dads camera sometime I shall get some piccies. My mobile simply cannot handle the low light. :grr:

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