Upside down Cory.


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Suffolk UK
I have put a question in the catfish section regarding one of my new corys. I know its not been there long but I need an answer to this problem. Please can someone help? The cory in question can not stay upright for long, at the moment he is laying upside down on the bottom of the tank. He will swim normally for short periods of time before flipping over again. If I go near the tank he swims off. Ive thought a couple of times that he was dead as he has been motionless for a while. I only got him yesterday, he was ok in his tank at the lfs. Im worried in case he is suffering, he is feeding ok when he is swimming upright. Anybody???

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Did you aclimise him correctly when you introduced him to your tank?

Is there any problems with ammonia,nitrite and nitrate? do u or have you tested this?
Water is fine. Yes the fish were acclimatised before being let loose. When I went to open the bag he was upside down & I thought he was dead. He then left the bag with his mates & explored the tank with them. A short while after we noticed him swimming upside down. The other 4 are all well & hoovering the gravel as we speak.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
That sounds like the same thing mine was doing. Try isoloating him and giving him a cooked shelled pea. It is probably a swim bladder problem caused by constipation. Mine would float to the top and float upside down with his tail up and his head down. While I had him isolated in a breeder box, he would slowly drift back to the bottom of the box in the same position. It would probably be best to isolate him and withhold food for 3 days and then give him the pea. How long has he been that way.
He was ok when purchased (we spent quite a time watching & deciding) but after a 15 min journey home then floating in tank to acclimatise to temp etc. he started acting funny. Will try out your suggestions, thanks a lot.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Sorry to hear about your cory. :byebye:

They're cute little guys, that's for sure... keep a close eye on your other fish in case whatever it was is contageous.
R.I.P. Little guy, sorry for your loss.

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