Upside Down Catties!


New Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi and to geek out a bit with a bunch of other fish lovers :D

This is my first tank (10g) and i got 3 upside down catfish yesterday. now i did read about them a bit before getting them, but i guess i didn't realize how much they hide. when i was getting them used to the water they were freakin out and were trying to swim towards the bottom.

anyway, even though they hide a lot i have completely fallen in love with them :wub:

tonight after i turned the lights out i left the kitchen light on and i finally was able to see all three at once. i was so sure that one of them would die under my rock cave formations (i am a little nervous and have been checking all the water stats like mad) and i would have to fish it out (no pun intended)

well i am really glad that they seem to be doing fine...i have at least one really brave one that seems to be ok with swimming during the day, a mildly brave one and a big pale one that i thought was dead (i hadn't seen it at all until tonight) so i've named that one ghost.

i'll take any advice as i am a newbie at this, but i really just wanted to say hi and rant at how awesome i think my new fish are!!!
Hello and welcome to TFF where a fish dreams come true!!

The upside down catfishes are nuctornal fish....they appear at night or when the dark falls. Mine hide during the day too, they only appear after turning off thier tank's light and at feeding time. as long as water states are fine and okay, there will be no need to worry about any thing. You will might need to think about rehousing them as thier tank is not big enogh for all of them. mine are in a 50 gallon tank with some other fish in there too!!
there my faverote fish i have one but im getting 2 more when i can get ridof my other synos
I'd really recommend at least a 30 gallon tank, though preferably larger, for keeping a group of them. They'll be quite cramped in a 10, and that doesn't leave much stocking space for other fish.

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