upside down cats


Oct 5, 2004
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ususally in a state of shock aka derbyshire uk
i recently asked about setting up a breeding tank for upside down cats

i moved my adult pair in there on monday and on yesterday added 4 juveniles

got up this morning and hey presto Eggs ( i think)

I've only ever bred livebearers so these are my first eggs, they are attached to some wood and look like bubbles, eggs right? duh

ok so what do i do with them now, i have nowhere to move them to but i could move the cats out if i have to.

will they be ok left in the tank with the parents and the juvenilles.

if i do get fry how do i raise them

anything else i should know, any info greatly recieved
If they are catfish eggs you will need to remove all the catfish before they eat the eggs, Synodontis nigriventris are notourious egg eaters and i am sure this will go for their own eggs too.

The fry will be tiny and once they have consumed their egg sacks will need to be raised liquid fry food or insofuria and then once they are big enough with 3 or 4 times daily feeds of freshly hatched brineshrimp. Start feeding with the liquid food/insofuria now to ensure there is large colony present for when the fry hatch, getting enough food in the first few days are vital to the life of a fish.

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