Fish Crazy
Every morning when my alarm clock goes off and I first turn on the lights, I hearing strange "clicking" noises. I couldn't figure out where they came from for the longest time, but finally realized this morning that they were coming from the aquarium beside my bed. I would blame my Green frog in the tank just beneath it, but I've heard him sing and he doesn't sound remotely like that.
In that aquarium, there are a few guppies, a platy, a swordtail, 3 corydoras catfish, several kuhli loaches, a rescued Oranda goldfish--and 3 Upside-down catfish.
Considering the other choices, I'm thinking that the Upside-downers are responsible. I know they make grunting noises when I net them (I use a special net so that they don't get stuck), so are they capable of making those wierd clicking noises?
In that aquarium, there are a few guppies, a platy, a swordtail, 3 corydoras catfish, several kuhli loaches, a rescued Oranda goldfish--and 3 Upside-down catfish.
Considering the other choices, I'm thinking that the Upside-downers are responsible. I know they make grunting noises when I net them (I use a special net so that they don't get stuck), so are they capable of making those wierd clicking noises?